The following list is a sample of the phytochemical properties in a few selected foods with a brief explanation of how they assist the body in preserving health. For more in-depth information please contact the Ministry to order the booklet: God’s Farmacy.
Garlic contains Potassium, Phosphorus, a significant amount of B and C vitamins, as well as Calcium and Protein. Its properties provide qualities for: laxative, diuretic, antiseptic, anti bacterial agent, powerful antibiotic, anti-clotting, pulmonary antiseptic. Garlic is good for you any way you take it! |
Onions have many qualities in common with garlic, but milder - lipid lowering, excellent Antibiotic - Anticoagulant and has Anti-diabetic properties, inasmuch as it lowers the sugar content in the blood. Onions may be considered among the foremost of the health-giving vegetables! |
There’s enough potassium in a serving of beets to help lower blood pressure and protect against stroke. They also contain manganese, calcium, and iron. |
Flax Seed
Flax is a small grain which contains the highest known vegetarian source of Omega 3 (alpha-linolenic acid). Omega 3 is vital to brain development, normal blood pressure, healthy skin and an effective immune system. |
Pineapple contains bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme. Proteolytic enzymes, also called protease, aid in the breakdown of protein and also, stimulate the immune system cells. |
Blackstrap Molasses
Blackstrap Molasses is a high source of iron and calcium - without the high protein that causes calcium to be excreted; an abundant source of all B vitamins, copper, potassium, phosphorus, with sizeable amounts of trace mineral Chromium (valuable In maintaining blood sugar levels). |
Cabbage is one of the best vegetables for drawing out pain of any inflammation whether internal or external. It is invaluable for relief in rheumatism, arthritis, etc. |
The vitamin and mineral contents of carrots are extremely high. Good for intestinal infection and disorders, rickets, colitis, constipation, gout, arthritis, skin disorders; also good for keeping nursing mothers in milk. |
Wild blueberries are one of the richest know sources of antioxidants. The anthrocyanins promote cardiovascular health. The flavonoids provide anti-inflammation action. Along with raspberries and blackberries, blueberries have been shown to stimulate the programmed death of cancer cells. |
Grapefruit is rich with over 150 cancer-fighting phytochemicals protecting against many cancers, including liminoids, flavonoids, terenoids and carotenoids which stimulate the liver to do away with cancer-causing properties. |
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