M.E.E.T. is organized to carry out its purpose and accomplish its objectives through these five areas of ministry:
1. Training Ministry
- 4 Month School of Gospel- Health Evangelism (at M.E.E.T. facilities)
- 1 Month Field School of Health Evangelism (on local sites)
- 10 day Health Evangelism Workshop (at M.E.E.T. or local sites)
2. Public Evangelism Ministry
- Gospel-Health Crusades
- Health Seminars
- Hygienic Cooking Schools
- House to House Evangelism
3. Publishing Ministry
- Publish and Distribution of Gospel and Health Literature
- M.E.E.T's Newsletter
- Audio-Visual Tapes, CD's and DVD's Distribution
4. Home-Like Health Conditioning Center
- Education in Preservation and Restoration of Health based on GOD'S PLAN (the Eight Laws of Health)
- Providing practical training in operating and managing Homelike Health Facilities
5. Health Industries Ministry
- Manufacturing and Distributing Health Products
- Establishing self-supporting missions
M.E.E.T. is an association of Christian men and
women who have consecrated themselves to the Lord and His service,
working together under the control of the Holy Spirit for the
furtherance of the kingdom of God and for the hastening of the second
coming of Jesus Christ.