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![]() Parenting in the year 2009 may appear as a never-ending task. The responsibility at times is overwhelming. It is truly a rewarding, yet undervalued, full-time, taxing occupation. The challenges faced require one to keep a vigilant eye for the encroachment of the enemy. Whether two parent families, single parents, blended families from remarriages, or grandparents having a second parenting experience, not to mention other extended family members (siblings as well as aunties and uncles) assisting in the rearing of children, child training is still the same. It would be understandable, in lightof the number of various distractions and obstacles, for one to feel overwhelmed if it wasn’t for the fact that we have been blessed with an operation manual (the Bible) bursting with principles that will help the most inept be considered a professional. An apprentice chef does not start mixing random ingredients together hoping that the end result is a mouth-watering, fragrant dish, tempting the palate. Even if he has the correct ingredients in the right proportions, he still must follow the directions for mixing as well as ensure that the dish is cooked at the correct temperature for the appropriate with the specific ingredients and seasonings required to obtain an award-winning dish. Similarly, one must have clear objectives in child training. Proverbs is a book which is full of goals for parents and tips for attaining these goals in child training. If you were asked to write down a list of your child’s strengths and weaknesses, could you do so? Do you have concrete short-term and long-term goals for your child? Have you discussed them with your spouse? Do you have specific steps to help these goals materialize, to strengthen your child’s weak points? Children are a product of our training, whether by intent or neglect. Therefore, if we are not seeing the results which we have expected, self examination is required. This is the time to look for blind spots and NOT the time for greater harshness. Children respond to alert, loving, and consistent discipline. Their sensitive natures will close to an angry, “Don’t mess with me,” parenting style. An angry, explosive parenting style only results in a child who has “left” home while still residing in the home. Instead of meeting disobedience with irritation or anger, focus on being more loving, still requiring obedience, but demonstrating tender compassion simultaneously. The more unlovely they are, the greater pains one should take to reveal love for them. While a loving attitude in parenting is mandatory, consistency is equally vital. Rules have to be the same every day. The rules should be clear. (Children may need to repeat the command initially to demonstrate hearing and understanding.) Once understood, reinforcement is essential. Never allow your children to disobey and mentally decide to let this incidence slide, just this time. By loving, consistent training, parenting can be a joy and delight. The desired end result, a self-governing, motivated child who has God directed personal values, will result in “good” behavior not due to parent’s prohibitions, but by personal decisions.
What are some basic traits which should
be established in child training?
If one is honest, most parents will admit that they are able to see their own character in their children. Imperfections are reproduced in sons and daughters. When parents seek to repress and correct these traits, double patience, perseverance and love are required. It is imperative that one remembers that we are training future KINGS and QUEENS! Don’t give in and become weary, impatient, or fretful in this work. Cling closely to your children and to God. Home can be a little heaven on earth, fragrant with courtesy, love, sympathy, tenderness, thoughtfulness, etc. A home can be to the children the most attractive place on earth, full of sunshine, the place where they desire to spend their afternoons and evenings, in their parents company. As parents model God’s love for them, setting a worthy example, keeping a careful watch over their children, providing each child opportunities to share God’s love and making the salvation of their children a matter of prayer, they will one day reap the reward of seeing their children in heaven. But a neglect of this sacred work will have everlasting results.
“Another class stand pale and trembling, trusting in Christ, and yet oppressed with a sense of their own unworthiness. They hear with tears of joy and gratitude the Master’s commendation. The days of incessant toil, of burden bearing, and of fear and anguish are forgotten as that voice, sweeter than the music of angel harps, pronounces the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter ye into the joy of your Lord.” There stand the host of the redeemed, the palm branch of victory in their hand, the crown upon their head. These are the ones who by faithful, earnest labor have obtained a fitness for heaven. The lifework performed on earth is acknowledged in the heavenly courts as a work well done.” -Child Guidance 569 “With joy unutterable, parents see the crown, the robe, the harp, given to their children. The days of hope and fear are ended. The seed sown with tears and prayers may have seemed to be sown in vain, but their harvest is reaped with joy at last. Their children have been redeemed. Fathers, mothers, shall the voices of your children swell the song of gladness in that day?” -Child Guidance 569 MEET Ministry was blessed to be able to do a parenting seminar in the spring of this year. The office may be contacted to schedule one in your area. |
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